The Find Customer window allows users to find or edit existing customers or add new customers.
Before you begin
- Ensure you are logged into the Elda(Chrome) Application. See our article Getting Started with Elda for more.
- Ensure you have the permissions required to view/edit customer account information.
Steps to Follow
Access the Find Customer Window
- Click Search By... from the Scheduler menu.
- Select Customer from the popup menu to launch the Find Customer Window.
- Click Search By... from the Scheduler menu.
- From the top banner, click the Find Invoice/Credit button.
This will open the Search window.
- Click the Select Customer button to launch the Find Customer Window.
- From the top banner, click the Find Invoice/Credit button.
Browsing The Customer List
1. Open the Find Customer Window as per the above instructions.
2. Browse through the grid and select the customer you wish to use.
3. Press the Use Selected button or double click to use the customer.
Filtering Customers
Users may filter the customer list to find a specific customer by inputting a search string. (Not case sensitive)
1. Input the search string in the Find Customer textbox.
A list of customers whose names contain the search string will automatically be shown in the grid below.
2. Select the customer you wish to use if listed. Otherwise, search again if the customer you’re looking for isn’t listed.
3. Press the Use Selected button to use the customer.
Editing Customer Details
1. Follow the above instructions to find a customer.
2. Select the Customer and click the Edit Selected button to bring up the Edit Selected Customer window.
The Edit Selected Customer window defaults at the Customer tab.
3. In the Customer tab, make any changes to the customers details if required and press the Save button.
4. Click the Account tab to make changes to the customers account details if required and press the Save button.
5. Click the Pricing/Discount tab to make changes to the customers pricing and discount details if required.
You can edit the discounts for individual rebar, mesh and sundry items by pressing the ... button next to their text boxes. This will bring up the Product Discounts window which contains all the items of the product category you selected.
All 3 product categories have the same Product Discounts window.
Make any changes in the Product Discounts window and press the Save button in the window which will take you back to the Edit Selected Customer window.
6. Click the Attachments tab to make changes to the attachments related to the customer required.
7. Lastly, press the Save button in the Edit Selected Customer window to save all changes that you have made.
8. Press the Close button to close the Edit Selected Customer window.
Simon Gray