The payments tab within the ReoQuote is only accessible, when the customer is an allocated Cash Sale or CBD (Cash Before Delivery) account. In order to process the quote into an schedule, the payment must be taken and the payment information MUST be added into the required fields.
Before you begin
- Ensure you are logged into the Elda(Chrome) ReoQuote Application. See our article Getting Started with ReoQuote for more.
Adding a Payment to a ReoQuote
1. Once the payment has been taken, enter the payment amount within the field relating to the payment type:
- Bank Deposit – Paid by bank deposit.
- Credit amount - Allocate amount of an approve credit as payment
**Clicking the $ will auto fill the total quote amount.
2. If payment is made via credit card (online) or the eftpos machine, ensure you enter the payment reference number.
3. Once the payment details have been entered, tick the Payment Received checkbox.
4. This will allow the quote to be processed into a schedule or a Fast Tracked the order.
See our article Fast Track Sales in ReoQuote for more on fast tracking an order in ReoQuote.
5. Ensure you save the quote once the payment information has been added.
Simon Gray