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Editing a Credit

Opening an Existing Credit

In Credits, press the Find Invoice/Credit button to open the Find Invoice/Credit Window.

See our article Searching for an Existing Credit for more on how to use the Search Existing Credits tab in the Find Invoice/Credit window to find and select an existing credit.

The selected credit will then be loaded into the main window.


Editing Items’ Refund Details

The items’ refund details are the portion of the Invoice items grid which can be edited. These include the Refund Item, Refund Qty, Adjust Discount, Reason for Refund, and Return Item columns.


Select an item from the Invoice items grid.image042

Refund Item Column

1. In the Refund Item column, if the checkbox is un-ticked, tick it if you wish to set the item as refunded.


Refund Qty Column

In the Refund Qty column, set the quantity of the item that you wish to refund. Quantity must be less or equal to the invoice item’s max quantity. (Default value is the max quantity value)

For mesh and sundry items, clicking on the refund qty column will allow you to adjust the quantity instantly


For rebar items, quantity is set to weight. Clicking on the Refund Qty column will open the weight calculator where you can input the number of items to refund which will then have its total weight calculated. In addition, the calculator also displays the shape of the item along with its dimensions to allow the item to be distinguished from another similar item.


Adjust Discount Column

In the Adjust Discount column, insert a discount value if required. The discount value must be equal or greater than the invoice item’s default discount value.

For mesh and sundry items, clicking on the adjust discount column will allow you to adjust the discount value instantly


For rebar items, clicking on the adjust discount column will open the discount calculator where you can input the required discount rate you would like to refund which will then have its discount percentage calculated.


Reason for Refund Column

In the Reason for Refund column, click on the column’s dropdown and select a new reason if required.



1.  If you wish to change the Reason for Refund status for multiple items, select the items from the invoice items grid,


2.  Select a new reason for refund from the Reason for Refund dropdown,


3.  And press the Change Selected button.



1.  If you wish to change the Reason for Refund status for all the items, select a new reason for refund from the Reason for Refund dropdown.


2.  And press the Change All button.


Return Item Column

1. In the Return Item column, if the checkbox is un-ticked, tick it if the invoice item is to be returned.


Adding Additional Attachments to a Credit

1. Click the Attachments tab to view the Attachments grid.


The Attachments tab can be accessed when a credit has been created and saved.

2. Drag and drop files into the attachment grid.


3. Adding attachments will open the Attachment Properties windowimage056

4. Input the attachment reference, attachment type and if require the drawing number then select ok.


5. The attachment grid is now updated with the added attachments.


Opening an Attachment

1. Having already opened the Attachments Tab, select a file and double click on it to open the file.

Editing an Attachment

1. Having already opened the Attachments Tab, select a file and right click on it to bring up the Attachment Properties window.

2. Make any changes in the Attachment Properties window and press OK to save the changes

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Simon Gray

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