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Clocking In / Clocking Out in Oova


The purpose of this Knowledge Base Article is to ensure that staff is able to use the Clock in/out feature within the Oova app.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure you are successfully Logged In to Oova. Please see our article on Logging into Oova.

Steps to Follow

  1. Once logged in, navigate to the Menu icon in the top left-hand corner
  2. Select ‘Clock In / Out ’ from the menu shown
  3. This will load the Clock In screen.

  4. Simply select Clock In – This will capture the date and time in which you are clocking in

  5. Once you finish work for the day, navigate to the clock in / out feature and select clock out.
  6. To view a log of your Clock In/ Out times, swipe across on the same screen.
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  1. Simon Gray

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
